Tis The Season... For Engagements

November 06, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

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Clocks back one hour .... check

Scales back 10 pounds ..... check

Tis the holiday season and making merry will be our jobs for the next few weeks but did you know that this is also the prime time for popping that all important question"will you marry me".

The holiday season key days are the top 3 out of 5 for asking your partner to spend the rest of their lives with you. That means many of you will be bending down on one knee on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day or New Years Eve.

Other top dates includes the Bride To Be's birthday and of course who could forget Valentines Day. Sticking with the season at hand however, once you have popped the question and they said yes, planning begins shortly after for the nuptials themselves.

In honor of this we just revamped our website and updated our wedding photography packages. Check them out here....  http://www.heartrockphotos.com/wedding-photography

For those of you who want to book a photographer to capture your engagement or arrange a post engagement portrait, ask about our discounts for combo packages.

For all you thinking about popping the question... here's one interesting thing to consider:


So to offer some advice on engagement ring shopping, here's what you need to know.

  1. Buy something your partner will like, not something you like
  2. Learn the 4 C's...the diamond's cut, carat, clarity, and color
  3. Money isn't everything, it's the thought you put into the ring too

Best of luck....and hopefully congratulations!


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